Letsencrypt in the last few years has changed the way we think about SSL certificates. Do you remember those dark (and expensive) days when you needed to buy a yearly certificate from their majesty the Certification Authorities and manually deploy it on all of your websites? This led to two consequences: first, SSL was only implemented when really needed and second expire deadlines quickly turned out to be as critical as due dates for fees.
After Letsencrypt was born, with its short 90-days renewal period, it became clear that we needed some kind of automation. Certbot was one of the most promising solutions, being it straight-to-the-point and easy to automate. Standard HTTP challenge was trouble-free and could automagically change your web server’s configuration. DNS challenge became available as well, supporting wildcard certificates. But this required you to add a specific TXT record every time in you DNS for issuance and renewals. Certbot provides a complete list of plugins to support DNS challenges on major Cloud and on-premise DNS providers. Additionally, docker images with preloaded plugins are available on dockerhub, making the renewal process effortless and one-liner. But how do you seamlessly integrate certificate renewals with DNS challenges in a cloud and on-premise DNS environment, without messing up your servers installing certbot and its python dependencies?
How would you add custom records on your Bind9 installation, which does not expose APIs? In this article, we will be focusing on renewal of certificates linked to on-premise BIND9 DNS server.
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